电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)国际超声年会(IUS)是超声技术研究领域最重要的国际会议。2021年IUS原定于9月12-16日在西安举行(大会主席为西安交通大学万明习教授),由于疫情原因改为在线举行。近日,IUS发布了摘要接收结果。IUS最大的医学超声领域(Group 1)共接收了725篇摘要,包括口头报告132篇,墙报展示593篇;清华大学生物医学影像研究中心及合作单位提交的19篇摘要全部被接收,包括口头报告8篇,墙报11篇。
其中,影像中心王媛媛同学的摘要 “ Quantitative analysis of pleural line and B-lines in lung ultrasound images for severity assessment of Covid-19 pneumonia ” 在Medical Tissue Characterization (MTC)分组的打分为小组并列第一;影像中心张经科同学的摘要“In vivo assessment of diabetic kidney disease using ultrasound localization microscopy”在Blood Flow Measurement (MBF)分组的打分为小组并列第二,并将作为医学超声领域(Group 1)的6篇摘要之一,(中国大陆唯一 一篇),参与IUS的学生论文竞赛。
1. Wang Y, Zhang Y, He Q, and Luo J. Quantitative analysis of pleural line and B-lines in lung ultrasound images for severity assessment of COVID-9 pneumonia (Oral).
2. Zhang J, Zhang H, Yang Y, He Q, Qiu L, Qian L, Luo J. In vivo assessment of diabetic kidney disease using ultrasound localization microscopy (Oral).
3. Zhang J, He Q, Luo J. A general framework for inverse problem solving using self-supervised deep learning: Validations in ultrasound and photoacoustic image reconstruction (Oral).
4. Zhang J, Wang Y, Luo J. Recovery of full synthetic transmit aperture dataset with well-preserved phase information by self-supervised deep learning (Oral).
5. Li Y, Liu Y, Wang Z, Luo J. Semi-supervised deep learning for breast anatomy decomposition in ultrasound image (Oral).
6. Man W, Huang L, Zhang J, Jiao J, Jing L, He Q, Guo Y, Luo J. Perivascular space detection in brain tissue swelling by using contrast-enhanced power Doppler imaging (Oral).
7. Zuo H, Zhang J, Luo J, Peng B. Phase constraint improves ultrasound image quality reconstructed using deep neural network (Oral).
8. Liu J, Wang Y, Luo J, Fan W, Qiu W. Partial Hadamard encoded synthetic transmit aperture for high frame rate imaging with minimal norm least square reconstruction method (Oral).
9. Zhang J, Luo J. Ultrasound image reconstruction by self-supervised deep neural network: A study of coherent compounding strategy (Poster).
10. Zhang J, Huang L, Luo J. Improved background noise suppression in ultrasound localization microscopy using spatial coherence beamforming (Poster).
11. Huang L, Hao Y, Jing L, Wang Y, He Q, Wang G, Luo J. Contrast-free ultrasound microvascular imaging for intraoperative detection of human spinal cord tumor: An in vivo feasibility study (Poster).
12. Huang L, Zhang J, Luo J. Improved background noise suppression in ultrasound microvascular imaging using spatial coherence beamforming (Poster).
13. Huang L, Zhang J, Hao Y, Jing L, He Q, Wang G, Luo J. Spatiotemporal nonlocal means based denoising for ultrasound microvascular imaging (Poster).
14. Li Y, Liu Y, Wang Z, Luo J. Weakly-supervised deep learning for breast tumor detection in ultrasound images (Poster).
15. Li Y, Huang L, Zhang J, Huang C, Chen S, Luo J. Localization of high-concentration microbubbles for ultrasound localization microscopy by self-supervised deep learning (Poster).
16. Wang Y, He Q, and Luo J. Hadamard-encoded synthetic transmit aperture imaging for improved lateral estimation in ultrasound elastography (Poster).
17. Chen Y, Liu J, Luo X, and Luo J. A self-supervised deep learning approach for high frame rate plane wave beamforming with two-way dynamic focusing (Poster).
18. Wang M, Liu Y, Zhang M, He Q, Zhang N, Luo J, Dai Z. Thermo-mechanical monitoring of focused ultrasound with coaxial imaging configuration (Poster).
19. Cao H, Yuan Y, Zhang J, Lee F-F, Luo J, An Y. Heat generation induced by cavitation clouds with ultrasound contrast agent in HIFU field: A phantom study (Poster).